Monday 3 November 2014


Ephesians 3:14-21

INTRO: To overcome or rule and dominate over any issue or situation there must be conflict or struggle and if anyone is determine to be a winner or champion such person must acquire or seek for more power source to achieve his/her aim. Some fools are using diabolic (satan) power which may work for a while; but the wise will always seek for the Spirit of God.
                In vs. 14-16 of today's passage, Apostle Paul said for him to function after being reformed he went on his knees to pray and ask for grace, power, riches of His glory and to be strengthen with might by His spirit in the inner man. It is one thing to pray for another believer; it's another to pray with confidence; sometimes we lack confidence because we're not sure exactly what we should pray on behalf of other people. But the Lord is using the scripture to put the confidence in us through the Holy Spirit. (Col. 1:11, Acts 5:41-42).
                However, when we prayed God will give us knowledge of all wisdom and spiritual understanding. “Wisdom” means comprehending spiritual truth. “Understanding” refers to the ability to apply that insight (wisdom) to the problem of life. Such wisdom and knowledge are the strength that comes from God and not any man. (2 Peter 1:11, Eph. 5:20, 1:7). Every Christian or child of God needs strength after reformation (born again); you must remain constant in Him and be active with sound mind in the spirit. (1 Thess. 12:22)
                When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you after being reformed (born again) and you remain constant in Him doing His will (Titus 2:1-10), the strength of the Lord will definitely work as a backup for you in all the life endeavours (Phil. 4:19, Eph. 1:3-7).
                Finally brethren, the power and wisdom of God is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:24), seek and understand Him alone and all strength shall be found in Him.



Tuesday 28 October 2014


Mark 4:1-9

INTRO: Those who teach, preach and seek to lead others to the Lord must understand the meaning of SPIRITUAL SOWER. The man in this passage sowed good seed, but not all the seed sprouted and even the plants that grew had different growth. Don’t be discouraged if you do not always see result as you faithfully teach the Word. Rather, it is a miracle of God’s Holy Spirit as He uses your words to lead others to Him.
         What is the fourth seed and its relevance to humanity? The fourth seed was the last offering from the sower’s bag or pocket in the parable of Jesus Christ (Matt. 13:8, Gen. 26:12)
     If you have been sowing and there was no result like the sower in this passage don’t relent in your effort. The same is true in the spiritual realm because the devil will try all within his power to frustrate you (sower). John 10:10. But, don’t relent in your effort because a determined soul will endure to the end (Matt. 24:13). Lets consider what happened before, during and after the fourth seed: The sower purposefully goes out to sow, carrying precious seed in his hand with the expectation of reaping abundantly (Ps. 126:6)., When you gave your life to Christ your expectation was all shall be well; no more lack, stress, affliction nor tribulation etc. but all your efforts were proofing futile because of those around you. Secondly, you move closer to some Christians with the hope of leaning or resting on them as fellow Christian but they suck you dry and abandoned you thereby making you to feel empty and you wanted to go back to the world. The sower don’t withdraw: don’t withdraw either because the flesh can not do it and every winner don’t show interest in every wound or pain until they are crowned. Their concentration is on the trophy the way the sower was concentrating on God.
     Lastly he (sower) was sincere to give his best to the soil despite all his loses and waste. If he counted his loss he will not get to the soil that gave in return a hundred fold, sixty fold etc. No matter what happens endure with patience (Mark 13:13).
     Have you tried all you could and no result or not satisfied with all around you? Don’t give up! Just look ahead and be steadfast. Is that seed your last or not? Trust in God, study the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15) fast and pray (1 Cor. 7:7, Luke 11:1), be faithful to God (Ps. 31:23-24), your seed and the fertile land is just around the corner ready for exploit and you will have wonderful testimonies.

Thursday 23 October 2014


Ephesians 3:14-21

INTRO: To overcome or rule and dominate over any issue or situation there must be conflict or struggle and if anyone is determine to be a winner or champion such person must acquire or seek for more power source to achieve his/her aim. Some fools are using diabolic (satan) power which may work for a while; but the wise will always seek for the Spirit of God.
                In vs. 14-16 of today's passage, Apostle Paul said for him to function after being reformed he went on his knees to pray and ask for grace, power, riches of His glory and to be strengthen with might by His spirit in the inner man. It is one thing to pray for another believer; it's another to pray with confidence; sometimes we lack confidence because we're not sure exactly what we should pray on behalf of other people. But the Lord is using the scripture to put the confidence in us through the Holy Spirit. (Col. 1:11, Acts 5:41-42).
                However, when we prayed God will give us knowledge of all wisdom and spiritual understanding. “Wisdom” means comprehending spiritual truth. “Understanding” refers to the ability to apply that insight (wisdom) to the problem of life. Such wisdom and knowledge are the strength that comes from God and not any man. (2 Peter 1:11, Eph. 5:20, 1:7). Every Christian or child of God needs strength after reformation (born again); you must remain constant in Him and be active with sound mind in the spirit. (1 Thess. 12:22)
                When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you after being reformed (born again) and you remain constant in Him doing His will (Titus 2:1-10), the strength of the Lord will definitely work as a backup for you in all the life endeavours (Phil. 4:19, Eph. 1:3-7).
                Finally brethren, the power and wisdom of God is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:24), seek and understand Him alone and all strength shall be found in Him.


Tuesday 21 October 2014


Romans 14:13-23

INTRO: Conscience is God’s
product given to every mankind without requesting for anything as a ransom, but not all operates in it or even thinks about it when it comes to relationship. To many its dead will, to so its not existing and it's the only personal judge that keeps silent to others but speaks at times seldomly or always - it depends on the (owner) person that exist not the physically dead ones. The day you activate it, it will start to work but if you are saying No, it will not function.
          Today’s message is a big question to every living soul and as you are listening may the mighty Lord open our heart to receive it in Jesus name. Do you have and operate your CONSCIENCE or is it dead? To explain this which I believed that all soul will always have something to say or add to it everyday and every time, and even in everywhere is being mention or discuss; I will try to make the message today a sermonized pattern in other to see what the Bible say in diverse ways through many chapters and lessons as follows: Acts 23:1 says in all good conscience before God, John 8:9 asked if you are convicted by your conscience, Romans 2:15, 9:11 point to it as a witness to you, Acts 24:16 relates it as a void of offence, 1 Timothy 3:9 talked about it in terms of faith (Gen. 39:9, Deut. 28:65, Josh. 1:1) 2 Tim. 1:3 Generation can also dwell in faith (inheritance), Psalm 19:13, Prov. 20:27, Ezek.  38:22-23, Titus 1:15 makes us to know that it can be defiled, in 1 Tim. 4:2 you can sear it with anything hot or cold. (Acts 24:25, Romans 14:13, 1 Cor. 8:10-11, Heb. 9:14 confirms that it can be purged from dead works (repentance) reactivated and become good towards God and be benefitted to the mankind etc.
     The mind of God to you today is to go back and think about your CONSCIENCE as your personal watchdog and investigator that can not be ignored even if you pretend to do so; you cannot avoid your shadow once there’s light - it will show up anywhere, anytime, any day at every moment the light reveals it. In conclusion, walk in the light always. Jesus is the light of the world and you are a light as well (Matt. 5:14) and your light must shine always before all (Matt. 5:16)
     Till I hear your testimony I say you can activate your CONSCIENCE even now