Tuesday 21 October 2014


Romans 14:13-23

INTRO: Conscience is God’s
product given to every mankind without requesting for anything as a ransom, but not all operates in it or even thinks about it when it comes to relationship. To many its dead will, to so its not existing and it's the only personal judge that keeps silent to others but speaks at times seldomly or always - it depends on the (owner) person that exist not the physically dead ones. The day you activate it, it will start to work but if you are saying No, it will not function.
          Today’s message is a big question to every living soul and as you are listening may the mighty Lord open our heart to receive it in Jesus name. Do you have and operate your CONSCIENCE or is it dead? To explain this which I believed that all soul will always have something to say or add to it everyday and every time, and even in everywhere is being mention or discuss; I will try to make the message today a sermonized pattern in other to see what the Bible say in diverse ways through many chapters and lessons as follows: Acts 23:1 says in all good conscience before God, John 8:9 asked if you are convicted by your conscience, Romans 2:15, 9:11 point to it as a witness to you, Acts 24:16 relates it as a void of offence, 1 Timothy 3:9 talked about it in terms of faith (Gen. 39:9, Deut. 28:65, Josh. 1:1) 2 Tim. 1:3 Generation can also dwell in faith (inheritance), Psalm 19:13, Prov. 20:27, Ezek.  38:22-23, Titus 1:15 makes us to know that it can be defiled, in 1 Tim. 4:2 you can sear it with anything hot or cold. (Acts 24:25, Romans 14:13, 1 Cor. 8:10-11, Heb. 9:14 confirms that it can be purged from dead works (repentance) reactivated and become good towards God and be benefitted to the mankind etc.
     The mind of God to you today is to go back and think about your CONSCIENCE as your personal watchdog and investigator that can not be ignored even if you pretend to do so; you cannot avoid your shadow once there’s light - it will show up anywhere, anytime, any day at every moment the light reveals it. In conclusion, walk in the light always. Jesus is the light of the world and you are a light as well (Matt. 5:14) and your light must shine always before all (Matt. 5:16)
     Till I hear your testimony I say you can activate your CONSCIENCE even now

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