Monday 26 January 2015


Text: Psalms 112

INTRO: Generosity can cure two problems that having money can create. Generosity is an act of giving and sharing unsparingly; always willing to give more (especially money) than is expected of needed. The first problem it can cure is ABUSE and the second problem is FEAR of becoming poor. Generosity or been generous shows that we have placed our trust in God not in our money for justice and security.
     Brethren, many blessings are available to us - honour, prosperity, security, financial lifting, abundant wealth, spiritual breakthroughs and freedom from fear (Ps. 56:4, 10-11). If we fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands with expectation of receiving God’s blessings you must receive Him and gladly obey Him by being generous to fellow human beings, giving and sharing without reservation. God can use one person to take care of many if the person is faithful and fearful to the Almighty God just like Abraham that was so generous not only to mankind but even unto God (Gen. 22:10-12).
     Generosity will destroy abuse that many wealthy rich people has cause in the process of accumulating wealth which may later cause fear and became a trap for them; they will be afraid of losing their wealth. Remember Lot’s wife (Gen. 19:26, Luke 17:32-33, Prov. 29:25)
     The word generous can become your habit and work thing out for you without stress where others are struggling (Prov. 18:16). When you gives to the needy you can never lack God’s resources. What you release to the work of God the Lord will never close His eyes towards you; the Romans centurion attracted Jesus attention because of his generosity to the church (Luke 7:4-5)
     Being generous is commonly believed and accepted by all and sundry that it has nothing to do with religion or tribe or color; whosoever you are when you are generous you will never lack go things.. There’s a common saying that “GIVERS NEVER LACK” but you need a back to sustain your wealth and the best is JESUS CHRIST BACKING and PROTECTION. From today, seek to do His will and all shall be well and easy (Matt. 6:33).

GOD bless you.
- Pst. Femi Mike Alabi

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Text: Roman 5:1 – 10

INTRO: At one time or another, most men search for happiness in the wrong way. We try to find it in seeking money, power, pleasure and fame. Look over your life till now and identify the places, things or experiences you go to search for happiness. Do they actually produce happiness? If they did, does that happiness last? This message tells us where we can find the most sought-after things in life.
     Brethren, the Bible tells us where we can find the most sought-after things in life by following Jesus Christ, they are as follows:
PEACE: Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (vs. 1). God's people will be free from worries and their homes shall be peaceful and safe when everyone does what is right there will be peace and security (Ps. 32:17-18, John 16:33), and we will be closer to God because of the blood of Jesus Christ that has been made an atonement for our sins thereby we have right of son-ship for peace (Eph. 2:13-15).
     HOPE: Hope in tribulation knowing that tribulation produces endurance, patience which brings God's approval and His approval creates Hope. When people insult and persecute you by telling all kinds of evil lies against you because you believe in God and follow Jesus, be hopeful and celebrate with the hope of having heavenly blessings. It may be difficult to pass through tribulation, but always remember that some have been there before you and you are not the last; let your hope be in Christ and many will see you as an example of faith and hope (Matt. 5:11, Acts 5:41-42, 2 Cor. 12:9-10, Phil. 2:17-18, James 1:2-4)
     LOVE: Love of God is unconditional and this does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our heart by means of the Holy Spirit as a gift from Him. But you are to be very careful because many false love will show up to deceive you and take you out of Christ, even fake Prophets and Ministers of God, showing and demonstrating fake love; beware. May the Lord lead you into a greater understanding of God's love and the endurance that is given by Christ. (2 Thess. 3:5, Matt. 5:44)
     Finally brethren, if you can make a resolution to abide with these 3 things in 2015, you will forever be grateful to Christ and the Word of God shall be more pronounced through you with wonderful testimonies. But if you have not given your life to Christ, do so now tomorrow may be too late.

GOD bless you.
- Pst. Femi Mike Alabi

Thursday 22 January 2015


(Daniel 2:1-49) Daniel was at a crisis point. Imagine going to see a powerful, temperamental king who had just angrily ordered your death! Daniel did not shrink back in fear, however, but confidently believed God would tell him all the king wanted to know. When the king gave Daniel time to find the answer, Daniel found his three friends and they prayed. After Daniel asked God to reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to him, he saw a vision of the dream. His prayer was answered. Before rushing to Arioch with the news, Daniel took time to give God credit for all wisdom and power, thanking him for answering his request.When you find yourself in a tight spot, share your needs with trusted friends who also believe in God’s power. Prayer is more effective than panic. Panic confirms your hopelessness; prayer confirms your hope in God. Daniel’s trust in God saved himself, his three friends, and all the other wise men.How do you feel when your prayers are answered? Excited, surprised, relieved? There are times when we seek God in prayer and, after receiving an answer, dash off in our excitement, forgetting to give God thanks. Match your persistence in prayer with gratitude when your requests are answered.

Thursday 8 January 2015



Text: Roman 5:1 – 10

INTRO: At one time or another, most men search for happiness in the wrong way. We try to find it in seeking money, power, pleasure and fame. Look over your life till 2014 that has just finish and identify the places, things or experiences you go to search for happiness. Do they actually produce happiness? If they did, does that happiness last? This message tells us where we can find the most sought-after things in life.
     Brethren, the Bible tells us where we can find the most sought-after things in life by following Jesus Christ, they are as follows:
PEACE: Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (vs. 1). God's people will be free from worries and their homes shall be peaceful and safe when everyone does what is right there will be peace and security (Ps. 32:17-18, John 16:33), and we will be closer to God because of the blood of Jesus Christ that has been made an atonement for our sins thereby we have right of son-ship for peace (Eph. 2:13-15).
     HOPE: Hope in tribulation knowing that tribulation produces endurance, patience which brings God's approval and His approval creates Hope. When people insult and persecute you by telling all kinds of evil lies against you because you believe in God and follow Jesus, be hopeful and celebrate with the hope of having heavenly blessings. It may be difficult to pass through tribulation, but always remember that some have been there before you and you are not the last; let your hope be in Christ and many will see you as an example of faith and hope (Matt. 5:11, Acts 5:41-42, 2 Cor. 12:9-10, Phil. 2:17-18, James 1:2-4)
     LOVE: Love of God is unconditional and this does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our heart by means of the Holy Spirit as a gift from Him. But you are to be very careful because many false love will show up to deceive you and take you out of Christ, even fake Prophets and Ministers of God, showing and demonstrating fake love; beware. May the Lord lead you into a greater understanding of God's love and the endurance that is given by Christ. (2 Thess. 3:5, Matt. 5:44)
     Finally brethren, if you can make a resolution to abide with these 3 things in 2015, you will forever be grateful to Christ and the Word of God shall be more pronounced through you with wonderful testimonies. But if you have not given your life to Christ, do so now tomorrow may be too late. As for me, I've resolute to remain His forever.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Step Into Prosperity

As you Step Forward today, step into your
Prosperity in Jesus name.
1. Lord I thank You for the gift of my life, I return
all glory to You.
2. Lord as I step out today, let Your Grace, Mercy
and Favour go with me in Jesus name.
3. Lord, I ask for open doors into Possessing my
Possessions today in Jesus name.
4. As I go out today, I entered into a new
dimension of holiness. Sin shall dominate over my
life in Jesus name.
5. Lord, order my step today according to Your will
in Jesus name.
Have reverence for the Lord today in all you do
and you will come back with testimonies. GOD
bless you.

Bible Verse of the Day

........So then, let us purify ourselves from
everything that makes body or soul unclean, and
let us be completely holy by living in reverence
for GOD.
- 2 Corinthians 7:1


Join us at this month PASSOVER WEEK - a monthly Fasting and Prayer Programme @
The Empowered Christian Church of God,
29, MKO Abiola Way, Ring Road, Beside Fola Oil, Express Building Compound, Challenge, Ibadan,
Oyo State, Nigeria.
Date: Monday 5th - Friday 9th, January 2015
Time: 5:00pm daily
Come with the heart of expectation to Possess Your Possession, and your life won't remain the same
Enquires: 07032743842, 08056167840, 08099118687


1. Father in this year, lead me as my Alpha, back me as my Omega, always be my El-Shaddai.
2. Father, as I'm stepping forward this year, order my steps.
3. Father, lead me to Possess my Possessions this year.
4. Powers trespassing on my Possessions, I sack you now in Jesus name.
5. Lord as I'm Possessing my Possessions this year, don't let me misbehave.


You are welcome to 2015. All glory be unto GOD for preserving our lives to witness the new year. May His grace and mercy continue to abide with us in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
The Lord has said that this year 2015 is the year of POSSESSING MY POSSESSIONS (Deuteronomy 8:1). So, get ready to possess all good things that belongs to you through Christ Jesus that will strengthen you.


As the early church increased in size, so did their needs. The apostles focused on preaching and chose others to organize the distribution of food to the poor. Each person has a necessary part to play in the life of the church (1 Corinthians 12). Often, the needs you notice are the very ones you can have a part in meeting. If you are in a position of leadership and find yourself overwhelmed by responsibilities, determine your God-given abilities and priorities and then find others to help. If you are not in leadership, you have gifts that can be used by God in various areas of the church’s ministry. Offer these gifts in service to Him.