Monday 26 January 2015


Text: Psalms 112

INTRO: Generosity can cure two problems that having money can create. Generosity is an act of giving and sharing unsparingly; always willing to give more (especially money) than is expected of needed. The first problem it can cure is ABUSE and the second problem is FEAR of becoming poor. Generosity or been generous shows that we have placed our trust in God not in our money for justice and security.
     Brethren, many blessings are available to us - honour, prosperity, security, financial lifting, abundant wealth, spiritual breakthroughs and freedom from fear (Ps. 56:4, 10-11). If we fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands with expectation of receiving God’s blessings you must receive Him and gladly obey Him by being generous to fellow human beings, giving and sharing without reservation. God can use one person to take care of many if the person is faithful and fearful to the Almighty God just like Abraham that was so generous not only to mankind but even unto God (Gen. 22:10-12).
     Generosity will destroy abuse that many wealthy rich people has cause in the process of accumulating wealth which may later cause fear and became a trap for them; they will be afraid of losing their wealth. Remember Lot’s wife (Gen. 19:26, Luke 17:32-33, Prov. 29:25)
     The word generous can become your habit and work thing out for you without stress where others are struggling (Prov. 18:16). When you gives to the needy you can never lack God’s resources. What you release to the work of God the Lord will never close His eyes towards you; the Romans centurion attracted Jesus attention because of his generosity to the church (Luke 7:4-5)
     Being generous is commonly believed and accepted by all and sundry that it has nothing to do with religion or tribe or color; whosoever you are when you are generous you will never lack go things.. There’s a common saying that “GIVERS NEVER LACK” but you need a back to sustain your wealth and the best is JESUS CHRIST BACKING and PROTECTION. From today, seek to do His will and all shall be well and easy (Matt. 6:33).

GOD bless you.
- Pst. Femi Mike Alabi

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