Monday 30 March 2015


Instant Gratification
Genesis 25:27 - 33
Psalm 27:14

We just read that Esau gave up his entirefuture blessings for some stew! Doesn’t that just blow your mind? He gave up so much for so little.

That’s what happens when we give in to instant gratification. We give up what’s important for what’s immediate.

So many of us are just like that! We want what we want and we want it now. We don’t want to wait. Waiting’s boring, it’s passive, it’s more fun to get things now.

What this is really all about, is waiting on God. A lot of times God wants us to wait for things.

A lot of times, He wants us to wait on Him because He has something better in store for us.

Other times, He wants us to wait because either we’re not ready or He’s not ready for us.

Waiting also causes us to trust in God and depend on Him. When we wait on God and His timing, it causes us not to do things on our own, but instead we get the blessing of seeing God at work, His will unfold, and seeing Him make things happen for us.

So what areas of your life do you need to do better at waiting? Where do you need to be more patient and just trust God in His timing?

Spend some time in prayer. Ask God to help you focus on what’s important instead of what’s immediate.


Instant Gratification
Genesis 25:27 - 33
Psalm 27:14

We just read that Esau gave up his entirefuture blessings for some stew! Doesn’t that just blow your mind? He gave up so much for so little.

That’s what happens when we give in to instant gratification. We give up what’s important for what’s immediate.

So many of us are just like that! We want what we want and we want it now. We don’t want to wait. Waiting’s boring, it’s passive, it’s more fun to get things now.

What this is really all about, is waiting on God. A lot of times God wants us to wait for things.

A lot of times, He wants us to wait on Him because He has something better in store for us.

Other times, He wants us to wait because either we’re not ready or He’s not ready for us.

Waiting also causes us to trust in God and depend on Him. When we wait on God and His timing, it causes us not to do things on our own, but instead we get the blessing of seeing God at work, His will unfold, and seeing Him make things happen for us.

So what areas of your life do you need to do better at waiting? Where do you need to be more patient and just trust God in His timing?

Spend some time in prayer. Ask God to help you focus on what’s important instead of what’s immediate.


Changing The World
Luke 6:41-45

- Cindy Hess Kasper

It’s a full-time job trying to get people to change. Oh, what a perfect world it would be—if only other people would do what we want!

A plaque in our family room may hold the key to the secret of change. It’s in Dutch, but translated it reads:


Not what most of us want to hear!

Jesus told a parable about the problem of not seeing our own faults. He said, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye” (Luke 6:42).

Being able to see other people’s faults easily without ever noticing my own is not just an indication of hypocrisy. It can be a wake-up call that the problem in a struggling relationship may be me. Perhaps it’s my attitude that needs to change. Or I’m the one who needs to apologize. Maybe I’m the person who needs a humble spirit.

It’s a lesson some of us have to learn over and over. We can’t change others, but with God’s help we can change our own behavior. And when our attitude changes, it may seem as if others have changed as well.

To change can be a wonderful prospect,
Though often it’s met with resistance;
The transformation begins within us
And will take a lot of persistence.

When God works a change in us He can change others through us.

Sunday 29 March 2015


Luke 17:3-4

Have you ever said you’re sorry to someone but inside you really didn’t mean it? Come on, be honest. Yeah, that’s what I thought. The truth is we all have.

There is a big difference between saying you’re sorry and actually being sorry — and that’s where repentance comes in.

Repentance means to literally turn away from the wrong that you did, to dislike it so much that you want nothing to do with it. Repentance doesn’t just say sorry, it is an actual state of being sorry enough to change.

God’s love for us is so deep that no matter how many times we’re actually sorry for anything that we’ve done He will always forgive us.

The verse that we just read was talking about if someone has wronged us, we should always forgive them when they ask us to.

So let’s turn this around. Is there anyone that you know you need to say you’re sorry to? Go and do it. Is there anything in your life you need to turn away from? Make it happen, and know that if you are really, truly sorry you will be forgiven.


Another Chance
Philemon 1:8 - 19

- Albert Lee

For almost 100 years, a huge piece of flawed Carrara marble lay in the courtyard of a cathedral in Florence, Italy. Then, in 1501, a young sculptor was asked to do something with it. He measured the block and noted its imperfections. In his mind, he envisioned a young shepherd boy.

For 3 years, he chiseled and shaped the marble skillfully. Finally, when the 18-foot towering figure of David was unveiled, his student exclaimed to Michelangelo, “Master, it lacks only one thing—speech!”

Onesimus was like that flawed marble. He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon. But while on the run he came to know the Master Sculptor. As a changed man, he served God faithfully and was invaluable to Paul’s ministry. When Paul sent him back to Philemon, he commended him as one “who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me” (1:11). He asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother (v.16).

Paul knew what it meant to be given another chance after past wrongs (Acts 9:26-28). He knew personally the transformation God can accomplish. Now he saw it in the life of Onesimus. The Lord can chisel His image on our flawed lives and make us beautiful and useful too.

Christ takes each sin, each pain, each loss,
And by the power of His cross
Transforms our brokenness and shame;
So that our lives exalt His name.
—D. De Haan

Our rough edges must be chipped away to bring out the image of Christ.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

CEIM 9th Year Anniversary/Annual Convention

Christ Empowered Int'l Ministries is 9 - Join us as we celebrate GOD's faithfulness.


Date: Wednesday 25th - Friday 27th & Sunday 28th March, 2015.

Time: 5:00pm daily (Wed. - Fri.) & 11:00am (Sun.) - Thanksgiving Service.

Venue: The Church Auditorium, 29, MKO Abiola Way, Ring Road, Beside Fola Oil, Express Building Compound, Challenge, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Come and celebrate with us.


Matthew 4:1-11

It’s not wrong to be tempted. All of us will be tempted at some point in our lives. We just read that even Jesus was tempted. But, it becomes wrong when we give in to the temptation and do something we know isn’t right.

Here’s the thing about temptation. It looks good at first. It could tempt us toward something we actually want to do, but in reality, it promises something that it can’t deliver.

When we give in to it, we buy into a lie. Temptation will lead you to do wrong — whether it be to cheat on a test to get a good grade or to lie to your parents so you don’t get in trouble.

We need to learn to recognize when we’re being tempted to do something that we know isn’t right, and give it over to God. He can give us the strength to overcome.

So, when and where do you feel like you are being tempted? What things do you need to give to God and get strength from Him to do what’s right?

Spend the next few moments praying to God about those things. Know that through Him you, can overcome!


Written In Blood
Galatians 6:11-18

- Mart De Haan

In the twisted wreckage of a Metro- link train crash, firefighters from Los Angeles Fire Station 27 found a message that brought tears to their eyes. A survivor of the crash, thinking he was dying, had used his own blood to write on the seat in front of him that he loved his wife and kids.

Normally, we use the words “written in blood” in a less literal way. It usually conveys a willingness to stand behind our words with our life.

As Paul ended his letter to the Galatians, he was, in a figurative sense, writing his story in blood. He wrote a message of love and grace that would arouse the anger of other religious leaders. He knew he would be hated for honoring the death of Christ above the ritual and moral law of Israel. He would be punished for teaching that Christ’s death and resurrection were more important than the law of circumcision that represented the whole Mosaic way of life. His suffering for Christ would literally include shedding his own blood (2 Cor. 11:23-25).

Paul wasn’t willing to play it safe. He knew the crucifixion of Jesus was the center page of history. Putting his own life on the line, Paul proclaimed the inexpressible heart of God, who gave His Son to express the ultimate words of love, written in blood at the cross.

The Father wrote His autograph
Upon a cross of shame,
With pen divine, all dipped in blood,
“Forgiven in Jesus’ name.”

To show His love, Jesus died for me; to show my love, I must live for Him!

Monday 23 March 2015


Living Every Day

- David McCasland

When Tamer Lee Owens celebrated her 104th birthday, she credited “laughter, the Lord, and the little things” for keeping her going. She still finds enjoyment each day in talking with people, taking a walk, and reading the Bible as she has done since childhood. “I don’t know how long He’ll let me stay here,” she said. “I just thank the Lord for what He’s given me already.” Most of us won’t live 104 years, but we can learn from Tamer Lee how to enjoy each day that we are given.

Laughter—“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken” (Prov. 15:13). True happiness begins deep inside and emerges on our faces.

The Lord—“The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility” (v.33). When God is central in our hearts, He can teach us His way through every experience of life. The Little Things—“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred” (v.17). Maintaining loving relationships and enjoying the basic things of life are more important than wealth and success.

Not all of us will live a long time, but we can all live well each day—with laughter, the Lord, and the little things in life.

The world is filled with so much good—
Little things that bring us pleasure—
But Christ can fill our lives with joy
Beyond all earthly treasure.

Happiness is not a destination but a day-by-day journey.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Life Application Study Bible Devotion - Tyndale House Publishers

Psalm 6:6

Pouring out his heart with tears, David was completely honest with God. We can be honest with God even when we are filled with anger or despair because God knows us thoroughly and wants the very best for us. Anger may result in rash outward acts or turning inward toward depression. But because we trust in our all-powerful God, we don't have to be victims of circumstance or be weighted down by the guilt of sin. Be honest with God, and he will help you turn your attention from yourself to him and his mercy.


The Best Way to Begin in Prayer

No matter what we pray for, thanksgiving can always go with it. A good habit to develop is starting all of our prayers with thanksgiving. An example of this would be: “Thank You, Father, for all You have done in my life; You are awesome and I really love and appreciate You.”

I encourage you to examine your life, to pay attention to your thoughts and your words, and to see how much thanksgiving you express. Do you murmur and complain about things or are you thankful?

If you want a challenge, just try to get through an entire day without uttering one word of complaint. Develop an attitude of thanksgiving in every situation. In fact, just become outrageously thankful—and watch as your intimacy with God increases and He pours out greater blessings than ever before.

Prayer of Thanks: Thank You, Father, for the way You guide me in prayer. Help me to come to You in thanksgiving before I do anything else. Let gratitude be the foundation of my prayer life. I make the decision today to put aside complaining, being thankful in prayer instead.


Forever Joyful
1 Timothy 6:6-16

- Vernon Grounds

Wall Street Journal columnist Jonathan Clements offered his readers “Nine Tips for Investing in Happiness.” Interestingly, one of his suggestions was precisely the same as that given in the favorite old hymn by Johnson C. Oatman, “Count Your Many Blessings.” Clements urges us not to brood over the riches of our neighbors but to focus on the many blessings we actually do possess. That’s wise counsel, provided that we realize our spiritual wealth in Jesus is immeasurably more valuable than any material possessions.

God didn’t give us the Bible as a guidebook for happiness. Yet it tells us how we can be eternally joyful and how we can experience joy on our way to that eternal happiness. So it’s enlightening to compare biblical truth with common-sense advice.

“Godliness with contentment is great gain,” Paul wrote to Timothy (1 Tim. 6:6). The apostle wanted his protégé to understand that being grateful for the basics of life would help keep him from the trap of covetousness.

So let’s focus on the wonders of God’s grace, training ourselves to make a spirit of gratitude pervade our lives. That’s the way to experience joy today and to be forever joyful.

When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings—money cannot buy
Your reward in heaven nor your home on high.

Count your many blessings and you’ll soon lose count.

March month of JUBILATION

March is the month of JUBILATION - Psalm 100:1-3