Sunday 29 March 2015


Luke 17:3-4

Have you ever said you’re sorry to someone but inside you really didn’t mean it? Come on, be honest. Yeah, that’s what I thought. The truth is we all have.

There is a big difference between saying you’re sorry and actually being sorry — and that’s where repentance comes in.

Repentance means to literally turn away from the wrong that you did, to dislike it so much that you want nothing to do with it. Repentance doesn’t just say sorry, it is an actual state of being sorry enough to change.

God’s love for us is so deep that no matter how many times we’re actually sorry for anything that we’ve done He will always forgive us.

The verse that we just read was talking about if someone has wronged us, we should always forgive them when they ask us to.

So let’s turn this around. Is there anyone that you know you need to say you’re sorry to? Go and do it. Is there anything in your life you need to turn away from? Make it happen, and know that if you are really, truly sorry you will be forgiven.

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