Monday 30 March 2015


Instant Gratification
Genesis 25:27 - 33
Psalm 27:14

We just read that Esau gave up his entirefuture blessings for some stew! Doesn’t that just blow your mind? He gave up so much for so little.

That’s what happens when we give in to instant gratification. We give up what’s important for what’s immediate.

So many of us are just like that! We want what we want and we want it now. We don’t want to wait. Waiting’s boring, it’s passive, it’s more fun to get things now.

What this is really all about, is waiting on God. A lot of times God wants us to wait for things.

A lot of times, He wants us to wait on Him because He has something better in store for us.

Other times, He wants us to wait because either we’re not ready or He’s not ready for us.

Waiting also causes us to trust in God and depend on Him. When we wait on God and His timing, it causes us not to do things on our own, but instead we get the blessing of seeing God at work, His will unfold, and seeing Him make things happen for us.

So what areas of your life do you need to do better at waiting? Where do you need to be more patient and just trust God in His timing?

Spend some time in prayer. Ask God to help you focus on what’s important instead of what’s immediate.

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