Wednesday 10 June 2015


Daily Choice
1 Corinthians 13:8

Perhaps your marriage isn’t delivering the fairy-tale life you’d dreamed of. Your prince devotes all his time and energy to work, sports, the computer, the car, the yard — anything but you. He’s more like a roommate than the soul mate you’d hoped for. And you’re starting to wonder if it’s worth staying or if you should just give up. But real life isn’t a fairy tale, and real love isn’t a fuzzy feeling — it’s a choice God calls you to make each moment of each day. Choose to love your husband with the same unconditional love God continually shows you.

Reflect & Pray:

*How has God shown his love for you in a very tangible, personal way?

*Which aspect of 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 is the most difficult for you to express?

*How can you show unconditional love to your family today?

Taken from NIV Busy Mom’s Bible

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