Thursday 18 June 2015

FromThe Altar

2 Chronicles 1:1 – 7

INTRO: Just as a fruit tree is expected to bear fruit, God’s people should produce a crop of good deeds. God has no use for those who call themselves Christians but who live otherwise. We are of no value if we are Christian by name only, if others can’t see our faith through giving and sacrifice.
    Sacrificial giving is an act of release without struggle or force from anyone. Solomon in the Bible was a king in Israel and when given offering he gave sacrificially with the heart of thanksgiving not expecting anything in return (vs. 6, 1 King 3:4). When Abraham was giving Isaac his son, he was not expecting the lamb (Gen. 22:10-14) and that make it a sacrifice.
     However, when you are doing something towards anyone with the heart of taking it back someday, its not a sacrifice but an act of contribution which is to be back later. Jesus Christ was given to the whole world as a sacrifice (John 3:16) and it’s optional to all living either to take it or not. So a sacrificial giving doesn’t put anyone into bondage. You freely give from your heart and believe that all decision or action is unto God.
     Ordinary giving is doctrinal i.e. a laid down principle according to the Bible in Luke 6:38 that says “give and it shall be given back to........”, but a sacrificial gift is different from congregational giving; its from the heart of the giver that gives without making any noise about it (Matt. 6:1-4)
     Think deeply, be a giver sacrificially because if nothing happened after your action, God will still be God and if good things followed, all glory will still be His. Without sacrificial giving God can still favour you, but in a little way and it must be cleared that everyone has one thing or the other to give e.g. Prayer, Fasting, Singing, Evangelism, or material things as gifts to the less privileged; only make sure you are doing all through asking from God (John 16:23-24)
     Lastly release that sacrificial gift in your life to celebrate your maker when he is near you today, tomorrow may be too late. If all there’s nothing, give your life today and you will never be the same again. I gave mine sacrificially and no regret.

- Pst. Femi Mike Alabi

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