Monday 13 July 2015


Honor First

- Ephesians 6:2-3 

Honor your father and mother! This is a lost art in our society. Unfortunately, when children become adults they confuse honor with allowing their parents to continue to control them.

To do everything your parents say after you have established your own home doesn’t represent honoring. Honoring is remembering who they are, what they have done for you, respecting them and taking care of them as they age. Too often parents manipulate their children by quoting Ephesians 6:2 – 3. That’s dishonoring!

Honoring involves helping your parents understand that your home will be established by you, hopefully incorporating many of the principles passed on by them. Honoring them includes making sure they’re not left to fend on their own. You can help them with provisions if they are struggling, and listen to them and gain wisdom from their unique perspective.

We can teach our children by establishing this type of honoring relationship with our parents. As you honor your parents, you will be known as a great son or daughter. The direct promise from God is that you will enjoy an extended lifespan.

Parenting Principle

As you honor your parents, you will be honored.

Points to Ponder

*How well do you understand what honor means?
*How do you honor your parents?
*How will you ensure your children are prepared to establish their own home?

Taken from Once a Day Nurturing Great Kids

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