Sunday 5 July 2015



Isaiah 6:1-10

Being face-to-face with famous people can take your breath away. As a sportswriter, I’ve interviewed basketball stars David Robinson and Avery Johnson. And I’ve stood in a garage with Joe Gibbs, racecar owner and pro football coach.

A person can easily feel inadequate when talking with bigger-than-life people. We can even develop an awe and respect for athletes and other stars who make us feel insignificant.

But that’s nothing when compared to what Isaiah saw “in the year that King Uzziah died” (Isa. 6:1). Isaiah experienced something so magnificent and terrifying that nothing could compare to it—he stood face-to-face with God!

In a vision, God showed Isaiah who He really was. What the prophet saw greatly affected him. He saw God’s majesty. He gained a fresh understanding of God’s holiness. He saw the contrast between his sinful self and God’s perfection. He heard God’s call to service, and he answered it.

Today, we can see God in His Word and in the Spirit’s work in and through us. And we can commune with Him through prayer. But one day in heaven we will see our Lord face-to-face (1 John 3:2). Now that will take our breath away! —Dave Branon

Face to face! O blissful moment!
Face to face—to see and know;
Face to face with my Redeemer—
Jesus Christ who loves me so. —Breck

God’s awesome presence is both convicting and comforting.

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