Friday 10 July 2015


The Value of Repentance

- 2 Chronicles 6:36-39

Solomon understood that the Israelites would, in time, disobey and turn away from God. He prayed that when that day came, the people would experience true repentance. The word repent means to change, or turn. Repentance is a true turnaround — away from the path that does not include God or his ways and toward the path he sets before us. The repentance Solomon described is a deep and transforming experience: “a change of heart” (2 Chronicles 6:37) and a turning back “with all [the peoples’] heart and soul” (verse 38). Repentance is much more than being sorry for getting caught. It involves an honest look at the reality of what our choices have done to us, others and God. Repentance is a good thing for us to do when we know we have gone the wrong way, for when we repent, we are opening the door for God to forgive, heal and restore our hearts and lives.

Taken from NIV Life Journey Bible

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